Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July 27, 2007

Today we had a game among the Loopers. We had to build a boat out of cardboard and duct tape. A captain was then selected to sail the boat in a race. I was the captain. Needless to say, our boat was not the most stable and I did not get very far in the race. It was fun though. If I can ever figure how to upload a few shots to this site, you might see a few funny pictures (hilarious pictures-B)


  1. Well done. Oh, and to add an image to a post just click on the little picture icon on the "Compose" screen; it's near the top right of the text box. Once you do that, blogger will prompt you for the image that you want to upload. It'll then let you preview and upload it. That said, you might just want to use flickr. But I'm biased :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ha ha ha, sucker, you should of doubled or even tripled the layer of cardboard on the bottom then covered your 'boat' entirely of duct tape not just the corners.

  4. How far around the loop did those boaters get so far??

  5. The triangle shape, while fast, may not be built for stability! And you have to stay upright to win the race - LOL.
