Monday, August 9, 2010

Monday - August 9, 2010

We left in the morning for Killarney and the North Channel. We followed Beaverstone Bay Collins Inlet. The entrance is very shallow but mud not rocks. At one point I only had about 11/2 feet below my keel. However once you round the corner into the inlet itself it rapidly becomes deeper. The inlet is a narrow passage of water passing between high cliffs on both sides. Very Very pretty. There were only a few boats going through the inlet so it was really peaceful also. At the end of the Inlet we crossed open water to Killarney and pulled into the Marina at the Sportsman's Inn. Went with another Looper couple and purchased a fish dinner at the local "World Famous" fish take out store. Took it back to the marina and ate at a picnic table.

Tomorrow we journey to Baie Fine.


  1. Dave Campbell commenting as I follow your journey:
    I've had fish and chips from the same shop and the scenery was better than the food.
    The liquor store was very handy to get a cold beer to wash it down.
    Stay in the deep water David.

  2. Did you take your scuba gear on the trip? Sounds like it. The fish/chips sound great. Russ has his 3rd appt. tomorrow. Will email privately results. All is well here. Chandra is home for a week.
