Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wednesday - May 11, 2004

lat 33 48 08; long 78 44 70 Barefoot Marina, Myrtle Beach, SC, Fuel 169 gal; eng 788.36

We left the marina today at around 8 with Rambler. Went through the Rock Pile - a stretch of the ICW that is noted for its rocky shores. There are lots of negative comments about the Rock Pile but after boating in Georgian Bay, it is not really that much of an issue other than it is narrow in some places but not as narrow as those in some of the passages in the Bay.

Saw evidence of hurricane damage and there were a number of boats just abandoned on shore.

Saw a beautiful hawk swooping over the ICW looking for fish. Lots of deep water. Passed into North Carolina where again I will have to report into customs.Interesting thing was until we reached Southport we were traveling east rather than north for most of the day. A look at the map confirms the compass direction. The water was smooth and easy until we rounded the turn into Cape Fear inlet at Southport. The wind was blowing from the west and churning up waves of 4 to 5 feet. For a while ii was a rocky ride until we went a little further up the channel. Actually it was a good thing the water was rough. For most of the morning I used auto pilot to steer the boat. Couldn't do that when we made the turn. I had to steer the boat.

Rambler pulled off to another marina about 4 miles before our stop, so we said goodbye with hopes that we would meet them again along the route.

Pulled into Wrightville Beach Marina after 80 miles of travel. First thing we did was a laundry.

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