This was a stay in Naples day. A couple who live in Nova Scotia and are sailing around Florida on Northern Symphony knocked on our door to say hello and chat. We invited them over for a glass of wine this evening.
Went to the Naples art and craft show and it was a quite a show. There were artists from not only Naples but along the eastern part of the the US and they were talented artists. We then went for a walk along fifth avenue in Naples which is the ritzy street where all the fancy stores are located. Of course we did not buy anything except a pair of flip flops because we don't have room on the boat. If something comes on something has to go off.
Colin and Anne from Northern Symphony came over at five and we had a great discussion about a whole number of things. They are traveling with their two daughters and a cat.
Looks like we will stay one more day here as we are not expected in Marathon until March 7, although we will likely be early so we are shooting for the 3rd.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
February 26, 2011
Engine 644 hours; Fuel 174 gallons; lat 026 27 73; long 082 05 42
We raised anchor this morning and we found out why we had such a good hold. It was covered in mud so it must have been buried deep. However a few drops in the water cleared it off and then Brenda washed it off with the hose. We set out down the waterway, around the southern tip of Sanibel Island and crossed under the bridge leading to the Gulf. Once we got under the bridge it was foggy and we had limited visibility. That did not deter some of the go fast boats though as as they raced around. Radar gave us some warning as to their wherabouts and our horn hopefully gave them some warning of ours.
In any case we made it out past the marker buoys where it cleared up and set a course for Naples. It was a beautiful sunny day and it finally got too hot to be up top so we went to the lower helm. Lots and lots of crab pots, one string I saw must have run for about 3 miles - maybe more.
We arrived at Naples around 2 and entered the channel to go the the Naples City Dock. I forgot it was a weekend. It reminded me of the water traffic around South Bay Cove in Georgian Bay on the weekend. I think a lot of people don't have a lot of training on operating a powerboat. Turn the key on, and let her rip even in the channel.
We got in and tied up and went for a drink a the local restaurant/pub. We then went for a walk around and discovered that there was an art show this weekend about 3 blocks from the dock. Unfortunately, it was just closing up so we are going tomorrow. There are artists and craftspeople exhibiting from all over the eastern US, not just Naples.
After our walk we went back to the restaurant for dinner. Surprise, surprise, it was a great dinner. Should have known by the fact that there was an hour wait time to get back in. It was a popular place but we finally got in and got a patio table under the stars.
I think we will stay here until Tuesday. Gulf looks like it will get a little gusty on Monday so we will wait. Besides we are not expected in Marathon until the 7. I think we will phone to let them know we will be arriving earlier.
We raised anchor this morning and we found out why we had such a good hold. It was covered in mud so it must have been buried deep. However a few drops in the water cleared it off and then Brenda washed it off with the hose. We set out down the waterway, around the southern tip of Sanibel Island and crossed under the bridge leading to the Gulf. Once we got under the bridge it was foggy and we had limited visibility. That did not deter some of the go fast boats though as as they raced around. Radar gave us some warning as to their wherabouts and our horn hopefully gave them some warning of ours.
In any case we made it out past the marker buoys where it cleared up and set a course for Naples. It was a beautiful sunny day and it finally got too hot to be up top so we went to the lower helm. Lots and lots of crab pots, one string I saw must have run for about 3 miles - maybe more.
We arrived at Naples around 2 and entered the channel to go the the Naples City Dock. I forgot it was a weekend. It reminded me of the water traffic around South Bay Cove in Georgian Bay on the weekend. I think a lot of people don't have a lot of training on operating a powerboat. Turn the key on, and let her rip even in the channel.
We got in and tied up and went for a drink a the local restaurant/pub. We then went for a walk around and discovered that there was an art show this weekend about 3 blocks from the dock. Unfortunately, it was just closing up so we are going tomorrow. There are artists and craftspeople exhibiting from all over the eastern US, not just Naples.
After our walk we went back to the restaurant for dinner. Surprise, surprise, it was a great dinner. Should have known by the fact that there was an hour wait time to get back in. It was a popular place but we finally got in and got a patio table under the stars.
I think we will stay here until Tuesday. Gulf looks like it will get a little gusty on Monday so we will wait. Besides we are not expected in Marathon until the 7. I think we will phone to let them know we will be arriving earlier.
Friday, February 25, 2011
February 25, 2011
Lat 26 45 60; Long 082 03 47; Fuel 183 gallons; Eng 639.12
Left Burnt Store this morning about 9:30 a traveled out into Charlotte Harbor. The winds picked up and it was a little bit rocky going across to the Intracoastal waterway. Of course our Navionics chip did not cover the harbor so I was utilizing my piloting skills that I learned from the Power Squadron. Arrived right on the marker buoy just like I arrived at the Burnt Store Marina Channel. All those hours taking the courses were worth while.
We traveled down the waterway and there were a lot of boaters out, many of them showed little respect for other boaters as they flew by at high speed causing tremendous wakes which rocked all slower boats. I wonder if anyone down here ever takes a power squadron course?
As we were coming into San Carlos Bay, our new friends who we met last night from Escape radioed us to ask if we were still going to go to our original anchorage at St. James City. They suggested we look at the anchorage at stature mile 5 so we followed them in and anchored in about 6 feet of water. Great place, sheltered from the south wind and not too deep, but deep enough that the tide flow will not leave you on the bottom.
We had a Skype phone call from our oldest daughter Laura, announcing her new appointment at the University of Waterloo. Great News. Our son, Alex joined in the phone call from Fort McMurray in Alberta. As our youngest daughter, Lesley was at Laura's home, we had a great conversation with all three of our children.
All in all it was a great day. Tomorrow we move on to Naples where we have a reservation at the City Marina.
Left Burnt Store this morning about 9:30 a traveled out into Charlotte Harbor. The winds picked up and it was a little bit rocky going across to the Intracoastal waterway. Of course our Navionics chip did not cover the harbor so I was utilizing my piloting skills that I learned from the Power Squadron. Arrived right on the marker buoy just like I arrived at the Burnt Store Marina Channel. All those hours taking the courses were worth while.
We traveled down the waterway and there were a lot of boaters out, many of them showed little respect for other boaters as they flew by at high speed causing tremendous wakes which rocked all slower boats. I wonder if anyone down here ever takes a power squadron course?
As we were coming into San Carlos Bay, our new friends who we met last night from Escape radioed us to ask if we were still going to go to our original anchorage at St. James City. They suggested we look at the anchorage at stature mile 5 so we followed them in and anchored in about 6 feet of water. Great place, sheltered from the south wind and not too deep, but deep enough that the tide flow will not leave you on the bottom.
We had a Skype phone call from our oldest daughter Laura, announcing her new appointment at the University of Waterloo. Great News. Our son, Alex joined in the phone call from Fort McMurray in Alberta. As our youngest daughter, Lesley was at Laura's home, we had a great conversation with all three of our children.
All in all it was a great day. Tomorrow we move on to Naples where we have a reservation at the City Marina.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
February 24, 2011
Decided to sit for a day at Burnt Store Marina. After getting in late last night we thought it would be good to rest for a day. We basically sat around a read although we did go for a long walk around the Burnt Store development. Quite a nice little area, although somewhat isolated but nice and quiet with lots of condos and town houses.
Met a couple on their boat Escape, who had just acquired the boat in North Florida. Ultimately they were going to do the Loop but right now were trying to get the boat out of Florida in order to avoid the sales tax. Apparently if you buy a boat in Florida you must pay sales tax unless you get it out of the state within a certain number of days. Went to dinner with them that night and visited their boat (a 49' DeFever). The husband had just arrived at Burnt Store after an overnight from Carabelle - some 35 hours on the water. He did have a couple of friends helping him but it apparently was a bit of a journey because of fog and he was not entirely familiar with the electronics on the boat - particularly radar. In any case we had a good time and agreed to meet up with them at their home port in North Carolina.
Met a couple on their boat Escape, who had just acquired the boat in North Florida. Ultimately they were going to do the Loop but right now were trying to get the boat out of Florida in order to avoid the sales tax. Apparently if you buy a boat in Florida you must pay sales tax unless you get it out of the state within a certain number of days. Went to dinner with them that night and visited their boat (a 49' DeFever). The husband had just arrived at Burnt Store after an overnight from Carabelle - some 35 hours on the water. He did have a couple of friends helping him but it apparently was a bit of a journey because of fog and he was not entirely familiar with the electronics on the boat - particularly radar. In any case we had a good time and agreed to meet up with them at their home port in North Carolina.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
February 23, 2011
lat 27.19.93; Long 082 32 72; Fuel 206 gallons; Engine 630.51
We left Marina Jack at about 10:15 this morning as a result of a heavy fog which did not lift until about 10. Followed a catamaran out and pretty well followed him all day. Difficult to pass because of the narrow waterway and the fact that it is quite shallow on either side of the channel. In fact, some places in the channel have silted in and I was rubbing bottom a couple of times. Lucky it is sand and not rocks. Beautiful homes along Siesta Key, lots of money.
Lots of porpoises jumping around the boat and in the water. We had to wait for several bridges to open because of height restrictions - 9 feet or 14 feet. We used the upper helm all day and probably got too much sun - at least Brenda did because she had a headache at the end of the day. I think it was caused by not drinking enough liquids while we were traveling.
After we reached Charlotte Harbor, decided to go to Burnt Store Marina so turned off the route to where I thought the Marina was located. Unfortunately I was wrong, so we stopped the boat, took bearings and charted our course to the Marina. The Marina was off my chart plotter so I had to rely on my Power Squadron Navigation training to arrive at our destination and we were right on button with the location.
Burnt Store is a nice marina but out of the way. They do have good bar and restaurant with entertainment which we can hear from the boat. Looper discount on dock fees.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Lat 27 48 24; Long 82 47 69, Engine 625.21; fuel 200
We left The Club at around 9:15 and traveled down to the pump out station since we were pretty full. Also filled up with fuel. That took about an hour and we finally departed St Petersburg at around 10:30. We followed the intracoastal waterway out into Tampa Bay and crossed over to Anna Marie Island. The Sunshine Skyway across Tampa Bay is really quite impressive from the water.
We were warned the channel at Anna Marina was tricky on that side and you had to be fully aware of the markers as yo went along as there was little depth on either side of the channel. Did run aground once because of marker confusion, but backed out turned around and reoriented to the right channel markers.
The rest of the trip was relatively smooth once we reached Sarasota Bay. Decided to pull into Marina Jack for the night. Shocked at the price after our 3 month sojourn at The Club at Treasure Island. Brenda watched the sunset from the upper deck with a glass of wine. However, it is a nice place and we went to dinner at the outdoor cafe located at the Marina.
Monday, February 21, 2011
February 21, 2011
All is well with the world, temperature is around 30 degrees and it is sunny. As a matter of fact it has been this way for the last several days. Tomorrow, we begin our journey down to the Keys and the blog will start up again on a daily (??)basis.
Over the past few weeks we have travelled around Florida a bit, going down to Sarasota with Lazy Dolphin to see the Ringling Museum. If you get a chance to get to Sarasota it is well worth the visit. Didn't realize there was so much money to be made in a circus. Ringling lived a fine lifestyle in the early part of the 20th century. Of course many of the people who created companies in those days did. They lived large.
Janice and Russ came by to visit for four days. Had a good time and did some shopping at the Ellenton Outlet Mall. Russ did not really like the shopping but did like the new Bose TV with sound system.
We also joined our friends from Serendipity and went over to the Miami Boat Show for a day. Bought a few things, nothing big but it was a good show. Got a chance to see the new Nordic Tug 39. Some nice changes, but overall I still prefer the old version and its lay out. I'm not sure I like the big wide windows, but they let a lot more light in and I don't like the loss to the large chart table on which I lay out all my charts for the next part of the journey.
Over the last two weeks, did some boat maintenance - changed the engine oil and filter, checked the zincs under the boat and the engine. The all appear to be OK. However, I think I will get them changed in Marathon.
We had dinner tonight with our friends from Lazy Dolphin and Carolyn Ann. Great dinner at an old refurbished hotel in downtown St Petersburg. Price was right too. The hotel was built in the 1920's and for a time was one of the hot spots for northerners to winter vacation. It really was a beautiful building.
Over the past few weeks we have travelled around Florida a bit, going down to Sarasota with Lazy Dolphin to see the Ringling Museum. If you get a chance to get to Sarasota it is well worth the visit. Didn't realize there was so much money to be made in a circus. Ringling lived a fine lifestyle in the early part of the 20th century. Of course many of the people who created companies in those days did. They lived large.
Janice and Russ came by to visit for four days. Had a good time and did some shopping at the Ellenton Outlet Mall. Russ did not really like the shopping but did like the new Bose TV with sound system.
We also joined our friends from Serendipity and went over to the Miami Boat Show for a day. Bought a few things, nothing big but it was a good show. Got a chance to see the new Nordic Tug 39. Some nice changes, but overall I still prefer the old version and its lay out. I'm not sure I like the big wide windows, but they let a lot more light in and I don't like the loss to the large chart table on which I lay out all my charts for the next part of the journey.
Over the last two weeks, did some boat maintenance - changed the engine oil and filter, checked the zincs under the boat and the engine. The all appear to be OK. However, I think I will get them changed in Marathon.
We had dinner tonight with our friends from Lazy Dolphin and Carolyn Ann. Great dinner at an old refurbished hotel in downtown St Petersburg. Price was right too. The hotel was built in the 1920's and for a time was one of the hot spots for northerners to winter vacation. It really was a beautiful building.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
February 3, 2011
Played golf this morning and then came home for a snooze. Went to see the Dali museum later on and while it was interesting, I doubt if I would have one of his paintings in my home. Strange guy. I think some of his paintings were made while he was on acid. Had a great dinner after visiting the museum at a Mexican restaurant in St Petes.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
February 1, 2011
As I understand it, there is a big storm coming in Toronto and Ontario. Just want to let you know that it was sunny and 28 degrees today and going to be the same tomorrow. Have fun, those of you that are back home.
If you look really close, you can see a green heron siting on the line of the boat opposite to us. This little bird just hangs around by himself and is quite often siting on the dock or another boat line. They are known as solitary birds and are quite cute.
We have not done too much over the last couple of weeks except work around the boat and lie by the pool. However on Sunday the 30th we did travel down to Naples and then the Everglades. Instead of traveling down Interstate 75, we followed the Tamiami Trail and went through all the towns and cities south of Tampa. It was a nice trip.
Black Skimmers near Port Charlotte
On Monday we went into the Everglades along the same Trail and stopped at all the various park stopovers. They have set up some great walking tours and visiting sites explaining the Everglades, the animals and the plants. Brenda saw her first gator and we saw lots of different birds. Took an air boat ride into the swam. Interesting but really not worth the $75 they charged.
Pelican sitting on the front of our air boat
Brenda'a first alligator
Today we get the canvas coverings for our boat windows installed.
If you look really close, you can see a green heron siting on the line of the boat opposite to us. This little bird just hangs around by himself and is quite often siting on the dock or another boat line. They are known as solitary birds and are quite cute.
We have not done too much over the last couple of weeks except work around the boat and lie by the pool. However on Sunday the 30th we did travel down to Naples and then the Everglades. Instead of traveling down Interstate 75, we followed the Tamiami Trail and went through all the towns and cities south of Tampa. It was a nice trip.
Black Skimmers near Port Charlotte
On Monday we went into the Everglades along the same Trail and stopped at all the various park stopovers. They have set up some great walking tours and visiting sites explaining the Everglades, the animals and the plants. Brenda saw her first gator and we saw lots of different birds. Took an air boat ride into the swam. Interesting but really not worth the $75 they charged.
Brenda'a first alligator
Today we get the canvas coverings for our boat windows installed.
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