Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thursday - September 2, 2010

Well we finally set out this morning with the intention of reaching Muskegon. Got up at 6, but it was still dark so I puttered around a bit and we finally set out at 7:15 am. Sky was cloudy but the winds were light. We traveled south and the lake was quite calm - waves were under 1 foot. Had the autopilot on and it was a smooth ride. We encountered our friends that we had been traveling with and who we passed after we left on Sunday. We went on to Ludington and they stopped earlier. As a result of our decision to stay in port yesterday, they moved past us to Pentwater.

As we rounded Little Sable Point I noticed the wind and seas starting to pick up. It was not predicted by the NOAA. Anyways we continued on and as we continued on the seas continued to build to around in some cases 6-7 feet coming form the south. Interesting ride. All of us decided to cut short our trip to Muskegon and go into White Lake which is about 10 miles from Muskegon. It was the right decision as the lake was getting rough. As we approached the the breakwater from about 3/4 a mile out we had to go east which meant taking the waves broadside. Big Mistake. One wave hit the boat and set ab out 35 degrees over, the boat came back and it was hit by another big wave with the same result. I managed with some difficulty to turn the boat back into the waves and continue on. After that I let the boat quarter into the waves and they pushed us to the breakwater so that we could get to calmer water in White Lake.

All of us finally arrived at the local marina and tied our boats down. Tomorrow and Saturday, the forecast is for winds of gale force winds. So it looks like we are here for a few days. Another small town where we have to wait out the weather.

1 comment:

  1. My stomach lurched from your description. Been there...I really get scared in anything more than 3 footers. Thank goodness you are in a safe harbour.
