The last few days we have basically been getting ready for our flight home on Friday and traveling around the area.It has been pretty cold but is to warm up on the weekend, just when we leave. Rented a car and went down to Prime Outlet Mall. Doing the normal things. So until we depart here near the middle of February, the blog entries will be limited. We did go Total Wine to stock up. For you Loopers who are also looking to stock up they have a huge selection of wine, liquors and beer. They are throughout this area and probably other areas as well.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - 7,8,9
The last few days we have basically been getting ready for our flight home on Friday and traveling around the area.It has been pretty cold but is to warm up on the weekend, just when we leave. Rented a car and went down to Prime Outlet Mall. Doing the normal things. So until we depart here near the middle of February, the blog entries will be limited. We did go Total Wine to stock up. For you Loopers who are also looking to stock up they have a huge selection of wine, liquors and beer. They are throughout this area and probably other areas as well.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Sunday - December 5, 2010
The Pelican Gallery
Left Clearwater this morning and journeyed to our winter home at The Club at Treasure Island. Very interesting place as it is a private yacht club which has opened up to Loopers. I suspect like a lot of businesses, they are trying to attract more business and allowing Loopers to stay brings in additional revenue. In any case, the place has a great dining room, a large swimming pool with lap lanes, and a large exercise room. It is about a mile from the beach and is very close to where we normally vacation in the winter. One problem though is they have no facilities to pump out, so that means we will have to go to another marina to get a pump out. Notwithstanding that, it is perfect for us to leave our boat and spend some time in an area where we normally go every winter.
The trip down from Clearwater was interesting and we saw the area from a different perspective - the water. Usually we are driving on the road. Lots of bridges to go under and normally we could fit under most of them. The bridgemasters however are obliging and open on demand. At the Treasure Island Bridge, I was not sure I could make it under without taking out one of my radio attennas, so the bridgemaster said that he would open. However, I had to turn around and take another run while he opened the bridge. In turning around, we again rubbed bottom since we went a little out of the channel. Thank the Lord it was a sand bottom - very forgiving and you could power through it.
Had dinner on the boat and went to bed.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Friday/Saturday - December 3,4, 2010
Well we left Carrabelle at 11 in the morning after meeting with Buddy to discuss the weather on the Gulf for Friday and Friday night. Got out in the Gulf by 12 and started our journey across. Lots of Dolphins jumping around as we traveled. Basically the trip was uneventful. Auto did all the work after I set the track to get to Clearwater. We did travel a little too quickly in that we arrived abotu 30 miles outside of Clearwater by about 4 in the morning. It was dark and not really advisable to enter a harbour which is invested with crab pots in the dark. So we throttled back and basically coasted for about 3 hours until it started getting light again.
There were five boats that traveled together through the night - Navigator, Kim Joe III, Dream Fever, and High Spirits (also Canadians from Ottawa). We were glad we traveled in a group because it can be awfully lonely out there. Every hour we we touched base with one another on Channel 17 which kept us awake and attentive throughout the night. The stars on the Gulf were amazing. Of course you have no lights from cities out there and the sky was a filled with stars.
As it got dark, I took a picture of the sunset and was going to take a picture of the sunrise. Unfortunately at the time of the sunrise, we were dodging so many crab pots, the last thing on my mind was the sunset other than the fact that we were moving directly into the sun which made it difficult to see.
We finally arrived in Clearwater, got ourselves into a slip. We we greeted by a few Q'End which left the day before and traveled during the day since they were a go fast boat and could make the trip in the daylight hours. Once we got in our slip, we went for a big breakfast at the Hilton, staggered back to the boat and went to sleep for about 5 hours. That night we went to dinner with Q'End and Dream Catcher. Dream Catcher caught a crab pot which snapped a propeller shaft and he had to get towed in to port. they was lucky the shaft did not slip out when it snapped because they would have been swimming to port. After dinner, we immediately fell into bed and slept until 8 on Sunday morning.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Thursday - December 2, 2010
Lat 29 49 70 Long 85 19 24, Fuel 206 gal; Eng 585.3
Well we left Port St. Joe this morning at 8:30 for Carrabelle. The weather for the night crossing on Friday night is looking good and there is about a two day window before another cold front moves in to stir up the Gulf. The initial part of the trip was uneventful until we hit this little lake which was quite well channel marked. Unfortunately, the wind was blowing us out of the channel even though it looked like we were in the centre of the channel by reference to the markers ahead of us. Not so, we again rubbed a mud bottom and had to power our way back to the middle of the channel. After that I steered a course for the red markers which counteracted the effect of the wind. I got on the radio and told the 6 boats behind me to be careful to stay in the middle and follow the cruising line. However the first boat to enter the lake got into the same trouble, but got out without any apparent damage. Our boat is a single engine and propeller and rudder are quite well protected by a keel which extends right under the rudder. So the keel rubs on the mud not the propeller. Not so for twin engine boats. Their props hand right down from the boat and can be quite exposed to any touching of the bottom.
We passed through Apalachicola and began following the inter coastal out into the waterway. I was the first boat and was some distance ahead of the rest of the group. As we were going down the channel, a sailboat had gone aground and asked for help to get him off. He said he was barely on the shoal, so it should be easy.Of course the law of the sea says that we have to render assistance. We turned to help him and he through us an old line which when attached to our boat promptly broke. I took a second swing at him and he tossed us another line which we tied to the bow and we attempted to back up and pull him. Well we did pull him a bit but he was buried deeper than the let on. I almost went aground myself doing this and at this point I had had enough. he was not in danger of sinking and I told him to phone Boat US which of course he didn't have. I don't understand why someone would not pay the 100 or so dollars for the security it provides. I gave him the number and went on our way. I heard him later asking Boat US what they charged for a tow and he told them he couldn't afford their charge. I think some other fool came along and pulled him off.
Anyways we reached Carrabelle and settled in at the Moorings Marina where we met Buddy who we first hear about on the Tennessee River as being the man who provides the best weather predictions for the Gulf. A little rough around the edges, but he sat down at the computer, pulled up the NOAA weather site and the weather maps and started explaining the weather patterns for the next few days and later next week. He said tomorrow would be excellent and Saturday also but that it would start to deteriorate after that. He will talk to us tomorrow about any changes but he thinks the weather will remain good, so it will be a go tomorrow afternoon for our 18 trip across the Gulf. A couple of people in go-fast boats are going first think in the morning to arrive in Clearwater in the daylight. We have to leave in the afternoon and travel all night to arrive around 10 or 11 on Saturday. Have to arrive in the daylight because of crab pots all along the coast from Tarpon Springs south. They can make a mess of your propeller.
So we are set to go.
Well we left Port St. Joe this morning at 8:30 for Carrabelle. The weather for the night crossing on Friday night is looking good and there is about a two day window before another cold front moves in to stir up the Gulf. The initial part of the trip was uneventful until we hit this little lake which was quite well channel marked. Unfortunately, the wind was blowing us out of the channel even though it looked like we were in the centre of the channel by reference to the markers ahead of us. Not so, we again rubbed a mud bottom and had to power our way back to the middle of the channel. After that I steered a course for the red markers which counteracted the effect of the wind. I got on the radio and told the 6 boats behind me to be careful to stay in the middle and follow the cruising line. However the first boat to enter the lake got into the same trouble, but got out without any apparent damage. Our boat is a single engine and propeller and rudder are quite well protected by a keel which extends right under the rudder. So the keel rubs on the mud not the propeller. Not so for twin engine boats. Their props hand right down from the boat and can be quite exposed to any touching of the bottom.
We passed through Apalachicola and began following the inter coastal out into the waterway. I was the first boat and was some distance ahead of the rest of the group. As we were going down the channel, a sailboat had gone aground and asked for help to get him off. He said he was barely on the shoal, so it should be easy.Of course the law of the sea says that we have to render assistance. We turned to help him and he through us an old line which when attached to our boat promptly broke. I took a second swing at him and he tossed us another line which we tied to the bow and we attempted to back up and pull him. Well we did pull him a bit but he was buried deeper than the let on. I almost went aground myself doing this and at this point I had had enough. he was not in danger of sinking and I told him to phone Boat US which of course he didn't have. I don't understand why someone would not pay the 100 or so dollars for the security it provides. I gave him the number and went on our way. I heard him later asking Boat US what they charged for a tow and he told them he couldn't afford their charge. I think some other fool came along and pulled him off.
Anyways we reached Carrabelle and settled in at the Moorings Marina where we met Buddy who we first hear about on the Tennessee River as being the man who provides the best weather predictions for the Gulf. A little rough around the edges, but he sat down at the computer, pulled up the NOAA weather site and the weather maps and started explaining the weather patterns for the next few days and later next week. He said tomorrow would be excellent and Saturday also but that it would start to deteriorate after that. He will talk to us tomorrow about any changes but he thinks the weather will remain good, so it will be a go tomorrow afternoon for our 18 trip across the Gulf. A couple of people in go-fast boats are going first think in the morning to arrive in Clearwater in the daylight. We have to leave in the afternoon and travel all night to arrive around 10 or 11 on Saturday. Have to arrive in the daylight because of crab pots all along the coast from Tarpon Springs south. They can make a mess of your propeller.
So we are set to go.
Wednesday - December 1, 2010
Today a cold front moved in and it got colder. Didn't do much today other than go for a walk, do a little shopping and put our proposed route across the Gulf into the chart plotter. Looks like we will move to Carrabelle tomorrow as Friday is looking good for a crossing. All the Loopers met at 4 to discuss plans, with some going to wait for better weather, although I am not sure there can be much better weather than is being called for on Friday. Went to dinner with Q's End and had a great dinner. Home and to bed.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Tuesday - November 30, 2010
We remain in Port St. Joe. Winds really kicked up from the south yesterday at about 25 knts although it was pretty warm. We are on the north wall of the marina and the winds pushed the water up by about a foot and a half during the day.
Went out and got few things at the hardware store and local pharmacy. Managed to finish off my waypoints for the trip across on the paper charts and now have to transfer them to my chartplotter.
I was thinking about leaving on the 1st but while we were talking at the bar, the winds completely changed direction and started coming from the north and the rains came down hard. I think we will wait another day before we move, although it is looking better and better for Friday and Saturday to make our move across.
Went out and got few things at the hardware store and local pharmacy. Managed to finish off my waypoints for the trip across on the paper charts and now have to transfer them to my chartplotter.
I was thinking about leaving on the 1st but while we were talking at the bar, the winds completely changed direction and started coming from the north and the rains came down hard. I think we will wait another day before we move, although it is looking better and better for Friday and Saturday to make our move across.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday - November 30, 2010
Weather is still bad and getting worse. Friday or Saturday are looking better. Holding tanks were full so I had to move the boat to get pumped out and while there, I filled up with diesel. We are ready to go when the weather says go. Went into town to get my scuba tank filled but the local shop didn't have a compressor. Don't know how they carry out dive trips with not compressor, but I'll just wait until I get further south.
Even Brenda has a job when we play golf
Went and played golf this afternoon with Q's End. It was an OK course, nice layout but not in the best of shape. Nice thing was one of the fellows who works for the Marina, loaned us his truck to go our to the course.
Sign on the golf course
After the game we stopped into the bar and ran into another couple of boats and enjoyed a few beers.
Went and played golf this afternoon with Q's End. It was an OK course, nice layout but not in the best of shape. Nice thing was one of the fellows who works for the Marina, loaned us his truck to go our to the course.
After the game we stopped into the bar and ran into another couple of boats and enjoyed a few beers.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Sunday - November 28, 2010
Well the weather is getting worse. NOAA now is predicting high waves all week and it may not be until next weekend that we can cross. Wednesday they were predicting seas of 10 feet. Still bad on Thursday and Friday. We will see. Maybe I can get out for a game of golf as there is a course near St. Joe.
Watched football for most of the day and read my book. Actually should be books since I have about three going at the same time. Brenda and Linda from Q's End went for a long walk. I invited Q's End over for the Grey Cup but unfortunately my Expressvu receiver could not get TSN. I don't know why and I don't know why the CFL put its most important game on a pay channel. I would have thought the Grey Cup was an institution that should be accessible by everyone in the country.
Three more Loopers cam in today on their way to Carrabelle to make the Gulf crossing. Like us they are probably going to stay here for a few more days before they move on. I don't don't see any sense in moving until it appears the weather is going to improve. Tomorrow, I think I will take the boat over to the fuel dock and fill up with diesel and get a pump out so we are ready to go when it gets better.
Watched football for most of the day and read my book. Actually should be books since I have about three going at the same time. Brenda and Linda from Q's End went for a long walk. I invited Q's End over for the Grey Cup but unfortunately my Expressvu receiver could not get TSN. I don't know why and I don't know why the CFL put its most important game on a pay channel. I would have thought the Grey Cup was an institution that should be accessible by everyone in the country.
Three more Loopers cam in today on their way to Carrabelle to make the Gulf crossing. Like us they are probably going to stay here for a few more days before they move on. I don't don't see any sense in moving until it appears the weather is going to improve. Tomorrow, I think I will take the boat over to the fuel dock and fill up with diesel and get a pump out so we are ready to go when it gets better.
Saturday - November 27, 2010
Well we are still in Port St Joe Marina and it looks like we won't be leaving for the next few days. Weather in the Gulf is getting worse and the seas are kicking up. Wednesday looks like the worse day and probably start calming down after that. last night when we went to bed the temperature was around 65F. Overnight it dropped by 20 degrees as the front came in. When we awoke it was cold. No more shorts.
Brenda and I walked around the town and bought a little space heater for the boat, just to take the chill off the air. We have heat on board but it is rather noisy and with the small space heater we can easily heat the aft cabin.
Watched a bit of the Michigan-Ohio State game but not too much since it was a blow out - too bad Joe but maybe next year when the Stanford coach moves to Michigan (you can only hope).
Anyways, we invited Q's End over for dinner and had a good evening, talking and laughing.
Brenda and I walked around the town and bought a little space heater for the boat, just to take the chill off the air. We have heat on board but it is rather noisy and with the small space heater we can easily heat the aft cabin.
Watched a bit of the Michigan-Ohio State game but not too much since it was a blow out - too bad Joe but maybe next year when the Stanford coach moves to Michigan (you can only hope).
Anyways, we invited Q's End over for dinner and had a good evening, talking and laughing.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Friday - November 26, 2010
Still in Port St. Joe. Looked at the NOAA weather report and it looks bad. Another front coming in on Wednesday which on a forecast basis will whip up the Gulf to 7 to 10 foot seas. Brenda is ready to go out there (ha ha). So we may be here for a few more days. Not a bad place to stay though. Nice marina and a nice little town. We went for a walk along the the park which goes along the water and then back through town. Lots of little stores within walking distance of the Marina, although it is easy to see the effects of the recession since a number of stores are closed, and real estate shops are showing no activity for new home developments.
We found a boating fishing store and wonder of wonder I found a Navionics Platinum Gulf of Mexico chip for my chart plotter. The chip I had provided good information but it was not as detailed as I would have liked for our trip down the Gulf shore to the Keys.
Spent the rest of the day reading and watching football particularly the Auburn/Alabama game. Amazing comeback for Auburn after the first half. We then went to dinner at a Pizza joint - Joe Mama's which produced some very tasty pizza.
Thursday - November 25, 2010
Today is US Thanksgiving and it is a beautiful day - sunny, warm and I am in shorts, tee-shirt and flip flops. We are staying here in Port St Joe for a few days to await better weather out on the Gulf. A cold front is coming in to stir up the Gulf and create 3 to 5 foot waves out there. This looks like it will stay this way to Monday at the earliest, which means we will probably leave for Appachicola on Saturday and then to Carrabelle to go through the East Pass on Monday or Tuesday.
Jack carving the turkey
We met some new friends on Felix traveling the Loop and together with the Q's End we had Thanksgiving Dinner on the local restaurant outside deck here at the Marina. The restaurant was closed for Thanksgiving and we just moved some tables together to seat the 6 of us. Felix cooked a turkey, with the trimmings which was previously smoked and was delicious. Q's End brought a great broccoli salad (which Brenda has to get the recipe for) and we brought dessert. It was a great evening and since we were not home for Canadian Thanksgiving was a great way to celebrate Thanksgiving.
Watching Jack carve the turkey
After dinner we were joined for a little while by a couple of couples from other non-Looper boats. One of the fellows was born in Collingwood and actually lived in Galt in his early years.
Our table
We met some new friends on Felix traveling the Loop and together with the Q's End we had Thanksgiving Dinner on the local restaurant outside deck here at the Marina. The restaurant was closed for Thanksgiving and we just moved some tables together to seat the 6 of us. Felix cooked a turkey, with the trimmings which was previously smoked and was delicious. Q's End brought a great broccoli salad (which Brenda has to get the recipe for) and we brought dessert. It was a great evening and since we were not home for Canadian Thanksgiving was a great way to celebrate Thanksgiving.
After dinner we were joined for a little while by a couple of couples from other non-Looper boats. One of the fellows was born in Collingwood and actually lived in Galt in his early years.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Wednesday - November 24, 2010
Lat 3023 62, long 086 20 02; fuel 170 gal; eng 571;59;
we got up and it was foggy again, so we waited until around 9 to get going when the fog had lifted in the harbour. Unfortunately it had not lifted outside the harbour and when we got out, it was like pea soup. We continued on at around 3.5 knts which is idle speed and used radar to find our way. At one point Brenda spotted a marker which I saw on radar but visually was right ahead of the boat. We stopped and adjusted our course and continued on. At times, I could only see about 8 feet ahead of the bow. We passed under a bridge and the fog disappeared, just like it was a barrier to the fog.
We continued on through East Bay and were overtaken by Corina another Canadian boat from Toronto. They were going further than we were so we bid them good bye but not before we both got into a little depth problem. Someone moved a market buoy such that it was over less than two feet of water. Both of us went around it as we should and found ourselves rubbing bottom. We both managed to get through the mud, but whoever moved the buoy should be shot because someone will get stuck. We tried to radio the Coast Guard but got no response. Maybe tomorrow, I will try again.
Saw some more dolphins jumping around the boat, but Brenda didn't.
We decided to go into Port St Joe for a couple of days while we wait out the weather
for the rip across the Gulf. When we arrived, our friends from Q's End were already there, so we had cocktail hour and dinner with them. Enjoyed some stories and caught up with the news.
Tomorrow, tow Canadian couples are going to celebrate US Thanksgiving with an American couple.
we got up and it was foggy again, so we waited until around 9 to get going when the fog had lifted in the harbour. Unfortunately it had not lifted outside the harbour and when we got out, it was like pea soup. We continued on at around 3.5 knts which is idle speed and used radar to find our way. At one point Brenda spotted a marker which I saw on radar but visually was right ahead of the boat. We stopped and adjusted our course and continued on. At times, I could only see about 8 feet ahead of the bow. We passed under a bridge and the fog disappeared, just like it was a barrier to the fog.
We continued on through East Bay and were overtaken by Corina another Canadian boat from Toronto. They were going further than we were so we bid them good bye but not before we both got into a little depth problem. Someone moved a market buoy such that it was over less than two feet of water. Both of us went around it as we should and found ourselves rubbing bottom. We both managed to get through the mud, but whoever moved the buoy should be shot because someone will get stuck. We tried to radio the Coast Guard but got no response. Maybe tomorrow, I will try again.
Saw some more dolphins jumping around the boat, but Brenda didn't.
We decided to go into Port St Joe for a couple of days while we wait out the weather
for the rip across the Gulf. When we arrived, our friends from Q's End were already there, so we had cocktail hour and dinner with them. Enjoyed some stories and caught up with the news.
Tomorrow, tow Canadian couples are going to celebrate US Thanksgiving with an American couple.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Tuesday - November 23, 2010
lat 30 23 62, long 086 20 08; eng 571.09; 170 gal
We got up this morning and the whole marina was covered in fog, so rather than leave at 7:30 we left around 8:45 when it had lifted, or so we thought. We pulled out into the bay and it was like soup. On goes the radar, and we proceeded down the Bay, slowly blasting one long horn every couple of minutes. By the time we reached the end of the bay by 11 it had started to lift and you could start to really see the marker buoys on the water, not just their radar image. Fortunately we only saw one other boat out on the water and we again saw it on radar long before it passed us.
Continued our trip down the intracoastal, saw some more dolphins and some interesting sand dune cliffs along the route. Lots of Pelicans watching as we passed them.
Eventually arrived at Panama City where we pulled into the City Marina for the night. We thought about anchoring out but since we were passing the Marina, we pulled in there. Funny enough, the 5 guys that were in the marina the previous night had just pulled in also. They left about an hour and a half before us this morning and went through the soup with their radar also.
Panama City is an interesting little town. Brenda and I took a walk through the City and there are a number of neat little stores selling very interesting antiques and crafts. Great second hand book store and I found a number of Spenser novels by Robert Parker that I had not read. We then went to dinner at a local marina restaurant, and the meal was much, much better.
I thought the boat looked good in the evening light so I include a picture of the The Old Grouch.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Monday - November 22, 2010
Lat 30 32 56, Long 087 54 20; fuel 194 gal; eng 556.00
Left the marina about 7:30 and continued traveling down the intracoastal waterway. The 5 guys traveling together had apparently left about 6. This group of 4 brothers and 1 cousin reminds me of the trip those guys took in the movie Deliverance. They really have a system worked out for each one of them to do some work. They only have a 34 foot boat and I don't know where they all fit - none of them are small guys.
The morning started very warm and sunny and I captained the boat from up top. However, later in the morning clouds started building up and rain could be seen in the distance, so I went downstairs. The waterway at this stage runs through a number of large bays which sometimes are open to the Gulf at which time you get some good swells coming in. We saw people picking oil slicks off some of the beaches but generally the water appears to be OK. At one of the restaurants, they estimated business was down about 50% this year. Beaches look pretty good to me.
Lots of marinas and anchoring spots along the waterway and about 3 we stopped at Baytowne Marina at Sandestin. We took a walk into the little town of Sandestin and it reminded me of the village at Whistler - lots of condos and lots of trendy little stores and restaurants. This place even had an ice skating rink with skates to rent. There were even several people skating. Perhaps it was designed by the folks that designed Whistler and Tremblant and Blue Mountain. Beautiful sunset!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Sunday - November 21, 2010
Lat 30 32 56, long 087 54 20; Fuel 194 gal; eng 556.00
It was a beautiful sunny day with temperature around 70 when we left Eastern Shore Marina at around 9:30. The trip south across Mobile Bay took about 2 1/2 hours to get to the intracoastal waterway where we turned east and followed the marker buoys.
The trip itself was different from our previous days along the river and you could see that we are now in a more temperate climate. In fact along the waterway we saw several porpoises moving along at the head of the boat. However by the time Brenda had got the camera they had moved on, so no pictures. Different water birds and a lot of them. Brenda is very excited about this.
We arrived at a marina on Perdido Key and a couple of other boats pulled up. 5 brothers and a cousin were on one of the boats doing the Loop and the other was a guy moving his boat down from Chicago. We went into the local bar and had a few beers before we came back to the boat and I started posting these blogs. The marina is directly across from a sign welcoming us to Florida.
Saturday - November 20, 2010
Got up and went to breakfast at Cracker Barrel. We then found a West Marine to look for a new barbeque. By the time we got out there, we had spent $1400 primarily because I decided to buy an EPIRB for our crossing of the Gulf of Mexico. For those of you who do not know what an EPIRB is it is a GPS safety beacon to notify the Coast Guard of your location in the event of a sinking or trouble . Two years ago, three football players were out in the Gulf and their boat sank and they could not be located. Two of them did not survive. If they had had an EPIRB, they likely would have been rescued. It took some time to locate the third person who did survive.
After going to Westmarine, we returned the car and came back to the boat where Brenda did the laundry, and I installed the barbeque and did other meanful tasks. We then went to dinner at the local café and had a great dinner and a bottle of wine.
Tomorrow, we start out for Florida.
After going to Westmarine, we returned the car and came back to the boat where Brenda did the laundry, and I installed the barbeque and did other meanful tasks. We then went to dinner at the local café and had a great dinner and a bottle of wine.
Tomorrow, we start out for Florida.
Friday - November 19, 2010
Friday – November 19, 2010
We left the most beautiful anchorage this morning around 8 and are only 16 miles from Mobile. We moved out on the river and as we approached Mobile Bay, the landscape became much more marshy as the salt water of the Gulf mixed with the water of the river we were traveling on which is why is defined as an estuary. Soon we could start to smell the salt air and as we moved down river closer to Mobile, the number of boats – tugs, freighters etc increased. Mobile is if nothing else a huge sea port and there is activity everywhere. One has to watch other boats and what they are doing for they are much bigger than the little pleasure craft.
Again we were following Next Endevour, Moor $tuff and Quest as we moved through the dock area. Eventually we got out to Mobile Bay where we followed the channel out for about 18 miles before the three other boats turned off to Dog River Marina. We likely will not see them for some time since they each had different plans.
The channel was about 45 feet deep but going off to the side just outside the markers the water got very shallow very quickly, likely because the dredges when working to keep the depth in channel dump the sand off to each side. We continued on until we reached the turn to the east and Eastern Shore Marina where we have decided to stay for two nights. We pulled into the marina, filled up with fuel and got a pump out.
We then rented a car and went into the town of Fairhope. Fairhope is a little town full of trendy stores although we did manage to find a couple of book stores and also a Royal Bank of Canada branch – known in the States as RBC. Only Canadians know what the letters stand for. We then went to Walmart and got provisions for our trip down the intracoastal waterway. Went to dinner at a nice little restaurant on the wharf out to Mobile Bay, but only after trying to find another restaurant with our Garmin that didn’t exist once the Garmin got us to the spot out in the middle of nowhere.
Thursday - November 18, 2010
Lat 31 24 36, Long 87 54 52, Fuel 128 gal, eng 543.57
We left around 8 and have 79 miles to go until we get to Mobile. The river at this stage is a switchback and goes around and around several times such that you may only be ¼ of a mile from a point you bave passed ½ to ¾ hour ago. The system that warns me of tows ahead quite often goes off several times before we see the tow because of the nature of the river and the fact that the system reads as the crow flies.
Ran aground again but again got our quickly because I realized what was happening. The depth sounder transducers read off mid boat but the lower part of my keel is 2 feet below the transducers. There were no marker buoys indicating to go around the area, but we are now in tidal waters and I suspect the water was lower as a result of low tide occurring at about the time I hit the mud with the stern. Fortunately my prop is protected by the stern plate.
We are seeing a lot more birds in this section of the river and even saw our first palm trees or perhaps we should call them bushes.
Around 3 we pulled into a neat little inlet and anchored in 15 feet of water. We are about 16 miles from Mobile Bay so tomorrow we should be able to smell salt water. We intend to go to Eastern Shore Marina for two nights before we go into the intracoastal waterway for our journey to the Florida panhandle. Want to make the point where we are going to cross the Gulf of Mexico by around the 25 or 26th of November. This should give us time to prepare for the trip across and wait for a good weather window.
We ended the day by going over to Next Endeavour and having cocktails and dinner with them and Quest and Moor Stuff.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Wednesday - November 17, 2010
Lat 31 24 36 Long 87 54 52; fuel 139 gal; Eng 538.36
Did not get much sleep last night as we were anchored in the channel, granted off to one side but still worried about the tows moving up and down the river. We were in a sheltered area such that both tows going upstream and downstream would have to go outside of us since we were protected by arms of the shore both ahead and behind us. One of the things I learned being awake at 12, was that the tows advised other tows going in the opposite direction of any problems or things they should be aware of. Thus I heard them advise each other of our presence at the location we were anchored. Finally, I went to sleep.
We were traveling with the other boats – Next Endeavour, Quest and Moor $tuff. Moor Stuff needed some fuel and stopped into the last fuel stop Before Mobile – Bobby’s Fish Camp shich was about 119 miles from Mobile. Unfortunately it was not open even though it was reported to open every day of the year – must have been on vacation. Fortunately, Moor $tuff had sufficient fuel to reach Mobile otherwise we were all going to pool whatever gasoline we had to help him.
Shortly after Bobby’s Fish Camp we went through the last lock on the river system. I am going to have to count the number of locks we have gone through since Chicago but I suspect it is in excess of 30. It was great knowing nor more locks until we hit the East coast somewhere around Virginia.
We stopped at Mile 79 which is the only description I can give it and found a similar anchorage as we were in last night. Pretty protected from the tows. Since I had little sleep last night, I went to bed at 6:30 and woke up at 6:30 in the morning, probably because I know the tows tell each other of our presence.
There is more bird life along this stretch of the river and we keep looking for alligators but have not seen any. The couple, I bought my charts from wrote down that they had sighted alligators by this time.
Did not get much sleep last night as we were anchored in the channel, granted off to one side but still worried about the tows moving up and down the river. We were in a sheltered area such that both tows going upstream and downstream would have to go outside of us since we were protected by arms of the shore both ahead and behind us. One of the things I learned being awake at 12, was that the tows advised other tows going in the opposite direction of any problems or things they should be aware of. Thus I heard them advise each other of our presence at the location we were anchored. Finally, I went to sleep.
We were traveling with the other boats – Next Endeavour, Quest and Moor $tuff. Moor Stuff needed some fuel and stopped into the last fuel stop Before Mobile – Bobby’s Fish Camp shich was about 119 miles from Mobile. Unfortunately it was not open even though it was reported to open every day of the year – must have been on vacation. Fortunately, Moor $tuff had sufficient fuel to reach Mobile otherwise we were all going to pool whatever gasoline we had to help him.
Shortly after Bobby’s Fish Camp we went through the last lock on the river system. I am going to have to count the number of locks we have gone through since Chicago but I suspect it is in excess of 30. It was great knowing nor more locks until we hit the East coast somewhere around Virginia.
We stopped at Mile 79 which is the only description I can give it and found a similar anchorage as we were in last night. Pretty protected from the tows. Since I had little sleep last night, I went to bed at 6:30 and woke up at 6:30 in the morning, probably because I know the tows tell each other of our presence.
There is more bird life along this stretch of the river and we keep looking for alligators but have not seen any. The couple, I bought my charts from wrote down that they had sighted alligators by this time.
Tuesday, November 16,2010
Lat 32 31 56, Long 87 50 42; fuel – 151 gal; eng 525.57
It was raining again this morning when we woke up. However by 7 all the loopers and our friends on Irish Ayes (Old Smokey) from Toronto were ready to go, so we all pulled out to the lock which was just around the corner. We call the boat Old Smokey because the engines have not been maintained and they are blowing black smoke which has covered the entire boat in soot. The guys from Toronto are doing a delivery and are not happy about the condition of the boat so they are trying to drop it off as quickly as possible before it completely breaks down.
The lock is the second last lock and we are looking forward to the end of the locking thorugh, although Brenda and I have now got it down to a science and it is really easy. We decided to travel with the folks we met last night Quest, Moor $tuff and Next Endevour. All of us got through the lock and started traveling down the Tombigbee River. I think both Brenda and I will be glad to see the end of the river system – while it still pretty, we have seen too many trees and are looking forward to salt water.
While we were traveling along, we saw a cow at the bottom of a cliff at the side of the river. Obviously, it had worked its way down to the water and could not figure how to get back up. Hopefully someone will figure how to get it back up the cliff.
The water on the river at one time was a lot higher. Dead trees along the bank are all over the place. You can tell we are in the backwoods: as we were going along a guy in his underwear was waving to us as we passed.
We decided to stop at Bashi Creek to anchor. The folks in Quest, decided to enter the creek which was very small and tie up to one another. We decided based on the Nitty Gritty book to anchor across from the creek in the river. Only concern is the tows that might come by in the night. We are about 10 feet from shore but in 10 to 20 feet of water depending on the side of the boat the transducer is taking a reading. I have two transducers on each side of the keel and they are giving different readings. The water drops off real quick.
Tonight I am not going to get much sleep worrying about the tows coming by although we are protected where we are anchored.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Monday - November 15, 2010
Not much today. Pouring rain and therefore we stayed where we are. Read and slept. Went for dinner at Next Endeavour - a beautiful 48 foot catamaran.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Sunday - November 14, 2010
lat - 32 50 06; 88 08 21; eng 520.09; fuel 160 ga
It has been suggested that it would be helpful if I mentioned the city we were close to in my blog. Unfortunately, many times we are not near any city but out in the real boonies, like last night. The only reference point is the Stennis lock and I doubt that is on any road map. However we did cross from Mississippi into Alabama back to Mississippi and then back to Alabama as the Tombigbee wound its way south. Having said that tonight we will be in Demopoulis, Alabama, not that we are going into the town as everything is closed - it is Sunday and this is the Bible Belt.
Today we set out about 8:00 and continued down the river. This section of the river reminds me of northern Ontario highways - trees, trees and more trees. However there was an interesting section where there were white cliffs on one side of the river and normal mud on the other. I wonder if under the water there is a magical change from one to the other. It is obvious the level of the river can change dramatically from year to year. As evidenced by the shoreline and the photo above the water was considerably higher. The marina master confirmed that this was a low year, as I found out by trying to enter a few suggested anchorages. I would think in a high year, the river would be a flow a lot faster.
We caught up with some other Loopers, but eventually I had to pass them as they were going a lot slower than what I wanted to do. Not many places to anchor along the river so we pushed on to Demopolis which was described in the boating books as something special and that people stayed for weeks and even years. Truth be told, the only way I would stay for a week is if the boat would not start. It is not an impressive place and we are rafted to another boat that is tied tot he fuel dock. Fortunately, both of us want to leave real early tomorrow morning and get a good start towards Bobby's Fish Camp, the the only other marina on the 215 mile stretch to Mobile. Hopefully, we will make it by the 17th so we can rest for a day. My intentions was to make Mobile by the 20th so we are ahead of schedule, largely because this is not a particularly scenic river.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Saturday - November 13, 2010
Lat33 50 43' long 88 30 50; engine 511.00; 180 gal
See above for the boat that swamped us. I think Russ might like it but I don't think he would be and IA. Left Columbus marina at 7:00 this morning since a few boats had already pulled out and we could see them waiting a the lock. Hustled over to make the lock and again we were lucky and got right in. if we missed that lock through we would have had to wait another hour. Had breakfast while we were locking through.
Joined up with another boat Pleasant Moment and followed them for most of the day as we would probably go through the locks with them, so we decided to follow. When we got to the nest lock we were joined by another Canadian on Irish Ayes registered out of Virginia. I get the feeling that he is delivering the boat to Florida as it is definitely a Florida fishing boat. He told us he was from Toronto. Anyways after the lock was opened he traveled with us as his engines were acting up and he couldn't get much speed.
Around Mile 270, Pleasant Moment left us to anchor and Irish Ayes and ourselves continued on to look for another anchorage. Went into one where it got shallow real quick, as the bottom was touching the mud on the river. It looked like I could get stuck but I gave the engine a boost and we fortunately got free and continued down the river. Went through the next lock and immediately to starboard was a nice anchorage which was part of the original Tombigbee river. Anchored in 20 feet of water and sat back for the evening.
Tomorrow we have an easy run to Demopolis which is the end of the Ten-Tom waterway. need to fill up on water and pump the tanks. It's now 6:30 here and I feel like going to bed; it gets dark so early.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Friday - November 12, 2010
Lat 33 50 43, long 88 30 50; fuel 186 gal; eng 403.45 6 bottles of wine, a case of beer, a little scotch and half bottle of rum. This last part was the suggestion of Joseph, my son-in-law, but this will probably be the last time I record this item.
It was sunny this morning when I got up at 6. Got the boat ready to go and while we were having breakfast, another boat pulled out around 7:30 pm. I knew that he was heading for the lock just outside the the marina channel. I immediately contacted the lockmaster and asked if there was any holdups this morning. I knew a tow was close but I didn't know if it had gone through. The lockmaster told me, the lock was open and waiting for me to enter. We immediately pushed off and arrived at the lock in 15 minutes. Sure enough, the other boat was already in the lock. Missing the lock through would have meant a wait of around an hour. Our luck continues.
After we passed through the lock, the Tenn-Tom is becoming prettier and leaves are turning here so we still have colour. The air is cold in the morning (around 35-40 F- we are in the US you know) (For the younger Canadians in order to convert to C, subtract 32 from F and multiply by 5/9), but it warms up later in the morning and this afternoon got up to around 78.
There is a large Air Force base close to the Tenn-Tom and it was interesting to see the jets flying over. Lots of people fishing on the river and when we see them we immediately slow down so there is no wake to rock them. We heard at the rendezvous, that one person got a bullet hole in his boat as a result of a large wake. Better safe than sorry. We were also told that the fishermen sometimes phone ahead to the lock about a rude boat. The lockmaster who may be friends with or a relative of the fisherman, has held people up and refused entry for some time into the lock. This is a close community. When Brenda was driving the boat, she heard a conversation between the lockmaster and a boat, asking if he was such and such. The individual said yes and the lockmaster told him the marina which he had just left wanted to talk to him before he got into the lock. Common sense and courtesy always prevails.
We decided to go into Columbus, Miss which was only about 35 miles down the river. Brenda forgot her phone charger at home, so we went into town to buy a new charger. We also bought a few other things including some more wine and it was a lot cheaper than that purchased yesterday.
After we got back, I set up the hammock upstairs and slept for an hour - great. Brenda went for a walk in a local state park.
Well guess who just pulled into the marina - the guy who almost swamped and several other boats on the Tennessee as we were traveling the Chattanooga. He has about a 70 foot go-fast boat and he was going fast and throwing up a lot of wake. A friend of ours calls these people who have no consideration for other boaters or who only think of themselves, IA's (Inconsiderate As.....)
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Thursday - November 11, 2010
lat 34 32 43, long 88 20 48; fuel 203 gallons; Eng 497.27
Got on the horn first thing this morning to Whitten lock to find out if we could go through. Were told that there was one north bound tow going through and we could go right in after it left. So we hustled over to the lock, waited a half hour and passed through the lock. Altogether, today we passed through 6 locks. It took a bit of time but we did manage to go around 50 miles. The neat thing is the each lockmaster phoned down to the next lockmaster letting him know that we were coming. The locks were opened and ready for us when we arrived. Before we left the rendevous, we heard some negative things about the lockmasters on the Tenn-Tom. However, form my experience, they are great, polite and are very accomodating. The trip down this section of the the Tenn-Tom was very pretty. The leaves are just turning and the day was warm.
Around 3:30 we figured that we should find an anchorage. The place we selected was detailed as having around 10 foot depth. As we pulled in, the bottom fel out, I had about .5 feet under the keel. I quickly backed out and we continued down river to look for another spot. However I was a little leery, and Brenda found a marina off the channel and we decided to go for it. By the time we reached the entrance the sun was setting and it was starting to get dark. We entered the channel which was quite shallow and went a long way into the marina following home made red and green markers. At certain points the depth under my keel was only 2 feet. However we made it to the marina and it was a neat little place - somewhere in the backwoods of Mississippi and probab ly a place I would never visit if I was on a road trip. Important thing was they had a beer and alcohol store - after a few dry county's this was important since we were running out.
Wednesday - November 11, 2010
Lat 34 59 39 long 88 14 63; fuel 208 gallons, eng 483.09.
Woke up this morning and the marina and channel were covered in thick fog which means we had to wait to restart our journey. Around 10:00 the fog lifted, and we went over to the gas dock to get a pump out and a fill of diesel. We then left for the Ten-Tom Waterway which is basically a ditch connecting the Tennessee River with the Tombigbee River and ultimately to the Gulf of Mexico. It was finished in 1985. Without the Tenn-Tom there would be no Great Loop except on the Mississippi River and based on my limited experience on the Mississippi, there would be no way I would do the trip.
As I said the Tenn-Tom is really a big ditch interrupted by a series of locks. One interesting thing we saw was a bald eagle feasting on a fish on rock in the middle to the river. The first 35 miles we never encountered one lock. As we pulled up to the first lock - the Whitten Lock, we were told that it was shut down for maintenance for about an hour or an hour or two hours. We decided to pack it in as the sun sets around 5 and is absolutely dark by 5:30. It makes for a short day if you start late.
Bay Springs is a nice marina set off from the main channel, It is quiet and there are some beautiful view from the docks both up and down the channel and located Just before the lock. We met up with the folks from Sea-Jay who we first met at Green Turtle Bay and again at the rendezvous. Had an early night and went to bed around 8:30.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Tuesday - November 9, 2010
We got up this morning and went to Shoney's for breakfast. When the kids were little, we went there quite often when we were on vacation - the breakfasts are still great. We then went shopping at Walmart for food, as we threw a whole lot out when we went home. Walmart Super Centres are great - they have everything you would want.
After shopping we went back to the Marina where they were just putting our boat in the water and putting it on the transient dock. We loaded the boat with our purchases and Brenda put them away while I washed down the boat. It was filthy - I think because of the pulp mill which is not too far away. The wash down took about 5 hours but the boat looks good with the waxing I had down on the hull. While I was washing the boat, the Raymarine depth sounder module arrived and it was installed by the folks at Aqua Marina. I have to say the service people at Aqua Marina did a great job and I am very pleased by their work
I then drained the water tank and and put a little bleach in the tank to clean it up. Filled up the tank with water and we are ready to go tomorrow once we get pumped out and the fuel tanks are filled.
After shopping we went back to the Marina where they were just putting our boat in the water and putting it on the transient dock. We loaded the boat with our purchases and Brenda put them away while I washed down the boat. It was filthy - I think because of the pulp mill which is not too far away. The wash down took about 5 hours but the boat looks good with the waxing I had down on the hull. While I was washing the boat, the Raymarine depth sounder module arrived and it was installed by the folks at Aqua Marina. I have to say the service people at Aqua Marina did a great job and I am very pleased by their work
I then drained the water tank and and put a little bleach in the tank to clean it up. Filled up the tank with water and we are ready to go tomorrow once we get pumped out and the fuel tanks are filled.
Monday - November 8, 2010
Laura, Joe and Lesley dropped us off in Buffalo last night at a motel where we stayed overnight. We had a flight to Detroit at 8:07. We arrived at the airport in plenty of time, got checked through, but the airplane had an electrical problem. We waited over an hour and a half for it to be fixed. Fortunately, our connecting flight to Memphis was not until 12 so we were not late for that flight. Our driver, who happens to be the grandfather of one of the Marina managers was in Memphis waiting for us. He drove us back to Aqua Marina but our boat was not ready. I originally told them we would return on the 9th not the 8th, when I booked the service. I wanted them to wax the hull, paint the bottom and check the zincs. They were almost finished but they had just applied a second bottom coat finish and were waiting for it to dry. The other thing we need done was the Raymarine depth sounder needed to be repaired. They sent the module back to Raymarine for repair but it had not been returned as of 3:00 today. They were trying to find out where it was.
They loaned us a truck, so we went and looked for a motel which we found in Corinth. We could have slept on the boat, even though it was on the hard, but it was in the paint shack and the smell would have driven us crazy.
They loaned us a truck, so we went and looked for a motel which we found in Corinth. We could have slept on the boat, even though it was on the hard, but it was in the paint shack and the smell would have driven us crazy.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Thursday - October 28, 2010
The conference is over and we are going to head home tomorrow for a week. Before we left Joe Wheeler Park however, we went and played a round of golf (well Brenda drove one of the carts) with Tom and Linda. it was a second Robert Trent Jones course which was more of a links style course. Tougher than the last but a good course. Some great views from the tees over the Tennessee River.
After the game, we dropped Tom and Linda off at the hotel and drove back to Aqua Marina. it took us about and hour and a half. We arrived at the boat and Brenda did the laundry and I put away the stuff we took to Joe Wheeler.
Talked to the service people today and found out somthing is wrong with the fishfinder module in my electronics system. it is being sent back to Raymarine and hopefully will be returned by the time we return form Canada. Tomorrow, the boat gets hauled out and the extra work gets done over the next week or so.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Wednesday - October 27, 2010
More sessions going up the east coast of Florida, South Carolina and North Carolina. Each of the presentations was very good but at this point in time we have reached information overload. Time to go back to the boat. Pictures were taken of the entire group.
We had Tom and Linda over for a drink at 4 and then prepared for the final dinner.
All in all it was an enjoyable time and we learned a lot. Goodbyes were said to the people we traveled with for the past few months because everyone is going off in different directions - some like us going home for a bit, others to Chattanooga, others right down to Mobile. Perhaps, hopefully, we will run into them in Florida or along the way north in the spring.
We had Tom and Linda over for a drink at 4 and then prepared for the final dinner.
All in all it was an enjoyable time and we learned a lot. Goodbyes were said to the people we traveled with for the past few months because everyone is going off in different directions - some like us going home for a bit, others to Chattanooga, others right down to Mobile. Perhaps, hopefully, we will run into them in Florida or along the way north in the spring.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Tuesday - October 26,2010
Sessions were on the trip form Mobile across to Florida and down to the Keys. There are two ways to get from Mobile to Florida, both involve setting out from Carabelle, Florida. The first involves going around what they call the Big Bend but it takes about 3 or 4 or more days depending on weather. The second involves an 18 hour run across the Gulf to Tarpon Springs or to Clearwater. Again you have to wait for a weather window of 24 hours but once you've done it, it is done. I think we will do the crossing as the former is through shallow water and I think my draft is too high.
After the sessions were over some of the people went into town to do some shopping. We stayed behind and read. At 6 we caught the bus into town to attend a country music concert arranged by the AGLCA. The group was called Nashville South and they were quite good. The warm up group was a father playing a guitar and his two 10 year old daughters playing the mandolin and the bass fiddle. It was all instrumental and the girls were quite talented. Another singer, Briana Davis was brought on who was also quite talented and who sang a lot of her compositions along with her mother and husband. All in all, it was a good evening.
After the sessions were over some of the people went into town to do some shopping. We stayed behind and read. At 6 we caught the bus into town to attend a country music concert arranged by the AGLCA. The group was called Nashville South and they were quite good. The warm up group was a father playing a guitar and his two 10 year old daughters playing the mandolin and the bass fiddle. It was all instrumental and the girls were quite talented. Another singer, Briana Davis was brought on who was also quite talented and who sang a lot of her compositions along with her mother and husband. All in all, it was a good evening.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Monday - October 25, 2010
Today we attended several sessions. Brenda attended sessions on traveling the Tenn-Tom Waterway and the from Mobile to down through Florida. I attended one on marine maitenance and started attemnding one on electronics before I decided it was too basic and then I joined Brenda for the Florida session. All were very informative and we picked up some good information. Tomorrow the Florida session will continue and discuss options for getting from Alabama to Florida - either going around the Big Bend or going across the Gulf. I think the draft on our boat is too great so we will have to go across which I think is an 18 hour trip.
The women then attended a separate session fro women in the afternoon and the men attended a separate session for them. Interesting and informative but I think they were more geared to people who are thinking about starting the Loop because a lot of it related to information given by current Loopers. One of the things among others that I commented on was diving under the boat to effect repairs. It amazed me how many people thought nothing of using a Hookah or air line attached to a compressor on board and diving under the boat with no experience. Of course, I pointed out that diving with compressed air is inherently dangerous even if in only 3 or 4 feet of water. I hoped a few people listened.
After those sessions we went back to the room and laid down for a while, then Brenda went out for a walk and I read. We then we went to a reception and dinner, sat with our cruising friends and had quite a few laughs. This rendevous is very good and has some good informative sessions. Lots of fun.
For those of you that are interested, we are staying at the Club at Treasure Island for at least two months starting December 1. Treasure Island is close to St. Pete's Beach and Tampa. We anticipate arriving around December 1 and returning home on December 10 for Christmas. I will be driving back after January 1 and Brenda will fly back sometime later in January.
The women then attended a separate session fro women in the afternoon and the men attended a separate session for them. Interesting and informative but I think they were more geared to people who are thinking about starting the Loop because a lot of it related to information given by current Loopers. One of the things among others that I commented on was diving under the boat to effect repairs. It amazed me how many people thought nothing of using a Hookah or air line attached to a compressor on board and diving under the boat with no experience. Of course, I pointed out that diving with compressed air is inherently dangerous even if in only 3 or 4 feet of water. I hoped a few people listened.
After those sessions we went back to the room and laid down for a while, then Brenda went out for a walk and I read. We then we went to a reception and dinner, sat with our cruising friends and had quite a few laughs. This rendevous is very good and has some good informative sessions. Lots of fun.
For those of you that are interested, we are staying at the Club at Treasure Island for at least two months starting December 1. Treasure Island is close to St. Pete's Beach and Tampa. We anticipate arriving around December 1 and returning home on December 10 for Christmas. I will be driving back after January 1 and Brenda will fly back sometime later in January.
Sunday - October 24, 2010
Today we went played golf with a couple of other Loopers, or should I say, I played golf and Brenda drove a cart. It was a course on the Robert Trent Jones Trail and it was an exceptional course. Great Day. Only problem, I had to join the private club which was the course. This was necessary in order to have a drink both on the course and after our round. The cost of membership was 25 cents. There are ways of getting around the dry county rules.
When we got back it was time to register for the Looper's rendezvous. We registered, bought a couple of shirts and received a whole bag of goodies. Then we went to the reception and introduced ourselves to the group at large by talking a little bit about ourselves, our boat and the trip so far. We were taped for possible inclusion on the website. Before we got up to talk, Brenda said she was not going to say anything - didn't like being taped, but then once she got up there, she took the mike and put her two cents worth in. After that, there were lots of introductions of the sponsors etc.
We then had wine and dinner and a general social time.
When we got back it was time to register for the Looper's rendezvous. We registered, bought a couple of shirts and received a whole bag of goodies. Then we went to the reception and introduced ourselves to the group at large by talking a little bit about ourselves, our boat and the trip so far. We were taped for possible inclusion on the website. Before we got up to talk, Brenda said she was not going to say anything - didn't like being taped, but then once she got up there, she took the mike and put her two cents worth in. After that, there were lots of introductions of the sponsors etc.
We then had wine and dinner and a general social time.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Saturday - October 23, 2010
We closed up the boat at Aqua, left the keys with the service people and drove north to Shiloh. Yes, another Civil War battlefield and spent about 34 hours visiting the interpretation centre and driving around the battlefield. When we left Shiloh we started driving to Savannah, a small town on the Tennessee River that we passed when we were boating down the river. As we were driving down the river, we passed a sign for the Catfish Hotel. We had been told this was an excellent restaurant and institution which specializes in serving catfish. Since we had not had lunch we stopped and both of us had a catfish meal. Brenda has always had an aversion to eating catfish but she decided to try it. Needless to say, it is a very tasty fish.
We continued on to Savannah, and then on to Joe Wheeler Park. Brenda had booked a cabin about 12 miles from the Looper rendezvous. When we arrived to check in, she overheard a conversation with another guest that the cabins were not very good, so when her turn came, she asked if there were any cancellations at the hotel located directly on the marina. Fortunately there was a room that came available and she grabbed it. So now, instead of being 12 miles away from the rendezvous we are right on site. As we were driving in, we saw these two turkeys by the side of the road.
When we arrived and had settled in, we went down to look for a couple of our friends and a big party was going on.
Tomorrow, 4 of us are going to play a round of golf at at course that is part of the Robert Trent Jones Trail - I think it is called Muscle Shoals but I will find out tomorrow when we get there.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Friday - October 22, 2010
lat - 34 47 24 Long 87 40 46; Fuel 113 gal; eng 486.45
Happy Birthday Joe!
We left Florence at around 8:30 with the intention of arriving in Aqua Marina around 1. Again it was cool in the morning but it warmed up to 30 by 11 and it was a again a beautiful cruising day - sunny and warm. It sure is nice her because it gets warm in the day but the nights are cool and nice for sleeping.
As we were cruising along a call came through on Channel 16 from Serendipity sho we had not heard from since we left Green Turtle Bay. We had a good conversation and passed one another as they were heading to Joe Wheeler where we would see them when we drive down tomorrow.
We continue on and did arrive in Aqua around 1. Makes it easy to calculate the arrival time when you are traveling at 9 knt or around 10 miles per hour and you have to go around 45 miles.
We got in and who was helping us tie up to the dock but John Haluska from The Emery El. We last saw him in Penetang and as we were leaving he was waiting for repairs on his boat. He finished the Loop as he is from Tennessee and Aqua is his home port. I asked him if he missed the journey and admitted yes and he was thinking of maybe doing it again. I can see what happens after finishing the trip, you start asking what next?
We went over to the repair shop to get some work done before we continue. As we will soon be going into salt water, I want to get the bottom painted, the hull waxed and the zincs changed. The bottom has not been painted for three years and since stuff grows on the hull a lot more quickly in salt water, I thought it would be prudent to refresh the bottom. I had some good recommendations from a few folks along the way about the marina and its service group. They certainly have a good parts shop and marina store.
The car rental people brought a car to us and Brenda and I went into town to do a little shopping. Tomorrow we head for Shiloh - another Civil War battle site and then over to Joe Wheeler. We can't check in until 4 so we decided to do a little touring.
Happy Birthday Joe!
We left Florence at around 8:30 with the intention of arriving in Aqua Marina around 1. Again it was cool in the morning but it warmed up to 30 by 11 and it was a again a beautiful cruising day - sunny and warm. It sure is nice her because it gets warm in the day but the nights are cool and nice for sleeping.
As we were cruising along a call came through on Channel 16 from Serendipity sho we had not heard from since we left Green Turtle Bay. We had a good conversation and passed one another as they were heading to Joe Wheeler where we would see them when we drive down tomorrow.
We continue on and did arrive in Aqua around 1. Makes it easy to calculate the arrival time when you are traveling at 9 knt or around 10 miles per hour and you have to go around 45 miles.
We got in and who was helping us tie up to the dock but John Haluska from The Emery El. We last saw him in Penetang and as we were leaving he was waiting for repairs on his boat. He finished the Loop as he is from Tennessee and Aqua is his home port. I asked him if he missed the journey and admitted yes and he was thinking of maybe doing it again. I can see what happens after finishing the trip, you start asking what next?
We went over to the repair shop to get some work done before we continue. As we will soon be going into salt water, I want to get the bottom painted, the hull waxed and the zincs changed. The bottom has not been painted for three years and since stuff grows on the hull a lot more quickly in salt water, I thought it would be prudent to refresh the bottom. I had some good recommendations from a few folks along the way about the marina and its service group. They certainly have a good parts shop and marina store.
The car rental people brought a car to us and Brenda and I went into town to do a little shopping. Tomorrow we head for Shiloh - another Civil War battle site and then over to Joe Wheeler. We can't check in until 4 so we decided to do a little touring.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Thursday - October 21, 2010
lat 34 34 54 long 086 33 61; fuel 129 gal; eng 477.39
We left Ditto Marina around 7:30 this morning. It was a cool but clear morning and once we got out on the river there was some fog. At first it was a little scary since it was difficult to see the marker buoys, but slowing down and using radar helped that. As soon as the sun got a little higher the fog disappeared. The trip down the river was quiet until I ran into some guys in a boat who had laid traps across 3/4 of the river. They had their little marker buoys everywhere. It was lucky I woke up quickly enough to see what they were doing. I avoided them all by going to the port and close to the shore and then radioed behind to warn others of the the traps.
We went through 2 locks today and Brenda and I are still perfecting our locking techniques - better than it used to be but still needs work. The last lock we did was an 85 foot drop, but I think going up is far worse than going down. The surge of water when going up really throws the boat around. Going down the boat seems to just stay still.
Got to Florence around 4 and who is yelling at the dock as we pull in but Q's End. They were staying in Florence before they went on to Joe Wheeler. We met with a few people for drinks at 5:30 and met a few new people including a couple from Ottawa. Unfortunately, I did not get their card. Anyways we will all get together at Joe Wheeler.
We left Ditto Marina around 7:30 this morning. It was a cool but clear morning and once we got out on the river there was some fog. At first it was a little scary since it was difficult to see the marker buoys, but slowing down and using radar helped that. As soon as the sun got a little higher the fog disappeared. The trip down the river was quiet until I ran into some guys in a boat who had laid traps across 3/4 of the river. They had their little marker buoys everywhere. It was lucky I woke up quickly enough to see what they were doing. I avoided them all by going to the port and close to the shore and then radioed behind to warn others of the the traps.
We went through 2 locks today and Brenda and I are still perfecting our locking techniques - better than it used to be but still needs work. The last lock we did was an 85 foot drop, but I think going up is far worse than going down. The surge of water when going up really throws the boat around. Going down the boat seems to just stay still.
Got to Florence around 4 and who is yelling at the dock as we pull in but Q's End. They were staying in Florence before they went on to Joe Wheeler. We met with a few people for drinks at 5:30 and met a few new people including a couple from Ottawa. Unfortunately, I did not get their card. Anyways we will all get together at Joe Wheeler.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Wednesday - October 20, 2010
lat 045 34 80 long 086 04 76; fuel 142 gallonds, eng 472.30
Left Goose Pond about 9:30 after filling the water tank and washing the boat down. over night all these bugs gathered on the boat and seeming laid eggs in little sacks that stuck to the boat. I had to scrub them off with a brush since they were glued on. Anyway, I did get most of them and before we leave Aqua Marina the boat will be washed thoroughly.
Today we had a nice cruise along the Tennessee River to Ditto Marina. This is one beautiful river from the Ohio down to Chattanooga and I am sure it is even more beautiful as you go further up to Knoxville. Current carries us pretty quickly and we arrived at Ditto around 2:30. There were already a lot of Loopers here waiting to get into Joe Wheeler Park. Today we decided to go directly to Aqua Marina and rent a car to go to the rendevous. We booked a cabin in the park and while it will be more expensive, this works better since we can get back to Aqua in 2 hours whereasby boat could take 10 hours. This allows us to get back to Aqua on Thursday morning, and get ready for our flight home on Friday.
There was a birthday party held after we all docked. The skipper of Gypsea turned 80 years young. Amazing! Of course he has been a sailor all his life and that probably kept him young.
It looks like we will be staying at Treasure Island for the winter. Brenda has found a yacht club that wants Loopers to stay. It is about 1 mile to the beach and about 2 miles from the place we usually go to each winter. More on this when Brenda arranges the details.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Tuesday - October 19, 2010
Got up early in order to get a good start to the day. We wanted to travel about 85 miles today as we would have the current with us as we traveled down river. We left at 8 EDT which is 7 CDT as our destination was Goose Pond Marina in CDT. The current as we left was about 1.5 knt, so that the engine could be set to achieve a speed of 8.5 knot and we were going 10 knts. The hills had changed quite a bit from the time we traveled past them on our way up to Chattanooga - more colour in the trees. The trip was uneventful except that we traveled quickly and arrived at Goose Pond Marina at around 3:30. Coming up took us two days to travel from Goose Pond to Chattanooga. We went through one lock and we really traveled for a a while after that lock because of the current.
Our intention was to arrive at Joe Wheeler Park on Thursday for the Looper Rendevous which starts next Sunday. In order to make sure that I could get a space for Thursday to Saturday, I phoned the Park to book a spot. To my surprise< i discovered we had no reservation despite the fact that I had indicated to the AGLCA that I would be arriving by boat. I had expected that by indicating on the registration form that I would be arriving by boat that an automatic slip reservation would be made. Wrong assumption! I paid over $500 to attend and I knew that the marina would cost more but as I say, I expected them to reserve a slip for those committing to attend. Maybe I missed the section that said you have to book a space or maybe my expectations were set by my former work place - when I committed to a conference or a meeting the room was reserved for me. In any case, it is likely we we move on the Aqua Marina, earlier than we thought and rent a car and drive there which is probably about a hundred miles. I hope I run into the organizers of this conference to give thme my thoughts on the organization. Oh well, have to make some phone calls tomorrow to sort this out.
Good thunderstorm in the Marina after we arrived. Could see it coming while we were on the river. Thunderheads building up as we traveled and I hoped we would get into our slip before it hit.
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