Saturday, October 2, 2010

Saturday - October 2, 2010

Well, didn't do any more work on the boat today. Six of us took the marina car and went into Paducah to shop for provisions and generally look around. I also picked up a Verizon computer stick that should allow more access to the internet since it ties in with the Verizon telephone system. Took a bit of time to arrange since they have a difficult time dealing with Canadians sho don't have an address in the US. Fortunately, my niece's address came in handy again and once that was given, I was hooked up. Now I just have to plug it into the computer and follow the instructions. Anyways, we bought a lot of food, a couple of books to get ready for the trip up the Tennessee to Chattanooga.

Padacah is an interesting town with lots of interesting art work. Along the river wall is a tow or three block mural showing the history of the city. Some of the buildings have interesting top to them and interesting outside wall covers. We had lunch at a local restaurant, but it was only marginal.

After 6 hours of shopping an looking we came back to the boat and just relaxed by watching a bit of the Ryder Cup and football games.

Tomorrow rest of the outside of the boat will be washed and the last of the Mississippi mud will disappear.

1 comment:

  1. It is too bad you are not closer to the lakes leading to the Tennessee. As I am writing this, we are in Nashville. We thought of diverting west to see you, but guess we will again make a meeting another time. eg. Florida in the winter

    Russ is trying to figure out how you will get to Chatanooga via the Tennessee on our map. We have stayed there in prior years. There are lots of Civil War venues to explore and the view is incredible via the interstate.

    Sorry we don't have time to divert west to Paducah. Russ needs to see the doctor early next week re: ultrasound for his rotator cuff.

    See you early November.
